Cool Runnings

El mayor error que he cometido y que veo en los demás es que situamos nuestro bienestar o éxito en metas externas a nosotros mismos.
«Cuando consiga ese título, ascenso, muscle up… Estaré más completo»

Una de mis citas favoritas de películas viene de «cool runnings». Un film sobre un equipo de bobsled Jamaicano.

Junior, tras fallar como corredor se convierte en bobsledder y le pregunta a su entrenador (representado por John Candy con fuerte acento jamaicano) :
-«entrenador, ¿ qué se siente al ganar una medalla de oro?»
-«si no te sientes suficiente sin ella, nunca te sentirás completo aunque la consigas»

La moraleja de esta historia es:
no busques cosas fuera que te hagan feliz. Una vez te sientas completo y feliz contigo mismo podrás alegrarte por la felicidad de los demás.




The biggest mistake I have ever made and something I see in others is placing our wellness and  our success outside of ourselves.

» When I get that Degree / promotion / muscle up /  6 pack  ill be more complete.»

To quote one of my favourite lines from  “ cool runnings “ a movie about a Jamaican bobsled team.

Side note ,  I actually saw the film twice at the cinema when I was a very small child,  The film being one of my very earliest memories outside of my family.

Junior ( played by Leon Robson)   a failed  Jamaican sprinter turn bobsledder asks his coach .  Irving «Irv» Blitzer  (  played by John candy ) .

“ coachhh what does it feellll like to win a gold medal “

John candys character says

“ Well Junior…. dramatic pause  if your not enough without it.. you will never be enough with it “

Read that quote again and think about it.

The moral of the story is. Don’t look at outside accomplishments / things to make you feel  happy / whole or complete . Only once happy and whole inside yourself can you feel  fulfilled  for yourself or for others.

You are enough  just as you currently are.
