From an early age i always thought i wasn’t very good at anything. Throughout my entire schooling experience constantly poor results in basically every exam i ever took. Same went for sporting teams. I was really average to be honest but fortunate to be surrounded by talented athletes. I felt really dispensable.
This sort of feeling of mediocreness i disguised by becoming somewhat of a class clown and at a later age trying my best to replicate the character of Spicoli from fast times at Ridgemont high.
These feelings changed due to a few key mentors in certain sporting teams. who put the concept in my head. What if? What if you truly gave everything? What if you failed ? what would be the worst thing that would happen.
Over the last decade i have slowly learnt to back myself but at times, still a lot of moments when i feel clumsy, inept , as if everyone thinks i am hopeless at what i do.
I only say this because when people walk into Oviedo Strength maybe its the first day or maybe its to try a new movement they perceive themselves to be horrible at . I am you. I have felt the same insecurity as you currently feel.
But if you can learn to live with that vulnerability it gives you true strength and that strength will turn into courage, which you can apply to your life outside of the gym.
Courage doesn’t always get you over the line. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, «I will try again tomorrow.